Empowering Discussions

“The Conversation to Your Transcendence” by Author Jeff Cannon

The Conversation began as series of lucid dreams I had while on the island of Itaca.  They quickly became so much more.  They welcomed me to a level of awareness and consciousness that was meant to be shared.

I completed this book several years after my experience while recovering from my eighth brain surgery; a 14-hour ordeal, which left me unable to see, speak or walk.  It took months of recovery before I was able to edit my own story, but these dreams were why I wrote this book.  They are why I was compelled to finish it, and why I created this post; so that you can take a step forward on your own journey to your inevitable transcendence.

Each dream was a transference with what I can only call a native intelligence.  Together the  conversations answered so many of the questions we all have about Life, Death and the meaning to the Human Experience we are all a part of.  These dreams confirmed much of what we inherently know is probably true about Science and Spirituality, God and Evolution, Physics and Metaphysics, and the transcendence of the Human toward the Divine. To this day, they provide me a direction and a sense of growth, self-actualization and a level of awareness that continues to change my life for the better.

Just as they will change yours as well.

Here are the key lessons that I took away from my conversations with the divine that I wanted to share with you.

1. You are energy.

You are simply energy, floating in a sea of energy.  That is all there is to existence.  Your consciousness exists as a concentration of energy.  It floats within the eternal sea, in an endless ebb and flow that is all around you and passes through you. It is a part of you, and you of it.

2. Everything you experience is an echo of existence.

Like the ripples formed when a pebble is dropped into the ocean, when there is an occurrence in the sea of existence, your consciousness witnesses through these ripples. It is in the waves that you experience all that is.  Your perception is an echo of the event’s reality.

3.  Your consciousness created your human experience.

Your consciousness created the Human Experience you are now a part of.  It did so to gain a new perspective through which to experience existence. The filters your human form creates for you – your five senses, your emotions – distorts your view of reality based on your understanding of the world around you.

The experiences you are a part of are not good or bad, they simply are. How you perceive them is up to you.  It is why it is so important to release yourself from the experiences you are a part of and move on.

When you transcend your human experience you will rejoin your consciousness and see beyond your five senses, you will transcend and see reality as it truly is.

4. When you change your thoughts, you see reality.

The human experience alters your perception of reality. How it does this is based on the vantage point from which you experience the echoes of reality. Learn to change your emotional viewpoint, and you change your perception of everything. Each viewpoint gives you a new look at existence, until you can see reality.

5. There are no flat lines in existence.

Nothing in existence moves in a flat line.  Everything moves in circles.  Galaxies spin, planets orbit, storms turn, tides ebb and flow. Even life moves in a never ending cycle.  Birth, life, death and rebirth continue in an unbreakable cycle.  You cannot stop it, but you can transcend it. Let go of the humanity you have grown comfortable in and you allow the divinity within you to soar.

6. There is no death, there is no judgment.

Your spirit is eternal.  There is no death to your true self or to your consciousness. When the human body has done its job, your spirit is freed. It moves on. The moment it leaves you, there is only freedom.  There is no judgment waiting. There is no book of deeds to be measured by. There is only your spirit leaving your body with the love it has gained from the human experience you have been a part of.

7. Your only task is to Love.

Your only task while in the human experience is to learn to stay open to the energy of Love that is all around. Every time you learn to overcome hate and anger, you grow one step closer to your own transcendence. It is the reason your spirit chose to experience existence through the Human Experience; so that your spirit could witness existence from a new vantage point and see the Love that is through a new perspective.

8. The energy of existence is the energy of Love.

The sea of energy that is all around us, is a vast sea of endless Love.  Stop and open yourself.  It is there around you every day. When you open yourself up to it, when you learn not to close down to it, you can feel the direct channel to the energy of Love that is all around you.

You have felt the energy of a room the moment you walked in. You have felt the energy of those around you, sensing whether they are inherently good or bad.

The energy of existence is real. It is there for you to tap into, you simply need to stop yourself from closing down and from following your very human emotions. When you do, you will find how easy and natural it is to be a part of all that is.

Only when you learn to stay open will you be able to bask in your own everlasting light.  And that can happen right here, right now.


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Or buy the book today on Amazon.com/Conversations-your-Guide-Transcendence

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