D.I.Y. Therapy, Empowering Discussions

D.I.Y. Therapy: Taking Care of Yourself First

Sometimes you have to stop and rest!

Like most weekends this past one was packed with activities. There were 2 vigils for those killed by violence and racial profiling, a march for sustainable environmental policies, work to finish and the usual weekend chores.  I was running on empty with a painful respiratory issue from a large amount of second-hand smoke inhalation and suffering allergies during a heat wave. Instead of pushing myself I rested. After years of suffering depression I understand the importance of keeping a balanced lifestyle. Too many highs and lows close together will keep you depressed. Moderation really is more than a buzzword!

The truth is there are many things on your To-Do List that can wait, but if you push your body too hard you might not be able to do anything! Take a rest when you can. Your physical and emotional health is just important as your volunteering and activism.

1. Sleep is important! This weekend I slept in until 8am! (I know that’s crazy late right?) The first night I hardly sleep because of my pain and discomfort, but the second night I was so exhausted that I slept much better.

2. I love GOOD food! I enjoyed a slice of delicious vegan pizza and then a piece of definitely not-vegan peanut butter cream pie because it was 3.14.15, Pi day! I bought fresh fruit and veggies(pesticide free and organic) from the farmers market. I stopped at the grocer and bought medicine and vitamins to help myself heal

3. Nature Rejuvenates! I explored a new canyon trail and worked in the yard.

4. Slow is Good!  I leisurely finished work, completed my chores and ran errands without the usual pressure of time constraints.

5. Friendship is Golden! I had a fun dinner with my new friend and her amazing children. Once I felt tired I went home instead of trying to stay there.

What makes you feel better? Is it sleeping more, eating healthier, spending time with loved ones who respect you, dancing, reading a good book or taking a walk on the beach? Always remember that your health is important.

 Want more ideas for a healthy lifestyle free of depression? Read my other D.I.Y. Therapy posts.

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