
The 7×7 Award!

I have been awarded the 7×7 Award by Craven Creativity. This blog is a creative soul learning how to maintain inspiration despite living with chronic pain. Hoping to inspire others through bits and pieces of my life’s narrative and through sharing my artistic endeavors, past and present.

It is an honor to receive this award. Thank you! I love what an open community of bloggers I have found. Everyone has so much to teach me and is so willing to share.  It is amazing. Despite all the negativity in this world, there are many more positive bright wonderful moments,  people, thoughts and actions.

The rules are to share 7  facts about myself, compile 7 links from my own blog, and award this to 7 other bloggers.

Here I go.

1. I LOVE birds.

2. One of my favorite books is Garbageland by Elizabeth Royte.

3. I sleep with a stuffed bear in my bed that is 13 years old. I just sewed it’s head back on last year. Apparently I sometimes throw the bear off the bed when I wake from bad dreams

4. I love classical and instrumental music the most.

5.I laugh so loud that it causes people stare and glare at me so much.

6. Orange is a wonderful color and my favorite fruit, but does not look good on me.

7. I put chia seeds in everything I drink!

A selection of my favorite blog posts:

500 Blog Raiser Challenge.

My Newest Video- Word Art and Affirmations

Defend Yourself

New Canvas Paintings

Don’t Rape Me


Oh Molly!

I pass this award along to the following blogs.  Each one is unique and a great read. I could pick more, but the rule is seven so I am sticking to it. One day I may just do a post of every blog I love!  Just because I am giving you this award does not mean you have to accept. I simply want you to know how much I enjoy your blog.

Finding My Worth, Realizing a Woman’s Worth. Follow her journey and share yours.

A Book and a Dish,  Upcoming authors, their books, reviews and favourite recipes

Al Bagocius’ Blog,  Creative packaging and business networking.  Also has offbeat topics.

Maria HIV Mejia,  A woman showing her face and destroying the stigma of Aids and HIV.

Scully@Large, Inspiration and Politics, a strange mix worth checking out.

Live Laugh Love to Shop, All about blogging, blog hops, moms and mom bloggers.

Moontalk Designs, Art and the journey of a small business.



Can you help us get to 500 and join our blograiser? You will also be part of our goal of empowering young women with resources and information. Check out this post for more information: https://writewhatuknow.wordpress.com/2012/01/17/the-500-blog-raiser-challenge/

6 thoughts on “The 7×7 Award!”

  1. You are welcome. You have a flair for writing. I look forward to following your journey and watching you grow.

    I feel the same way about my writing and art. I can’t believe how much time I spent trying to do work that did not feed my soul. I’d rather have less money and be able to create everyday than stuck in an office 60 hours a week.


  2. Thank you I am honored that you nominated me. I am only in my first few weeks of blogging but everyday I open my site I am more and more sure that this is what I am supposed to be doing. I love reading your blog and look forward to reading your book, I Am More Then Just a Girl. Thank you again. 🙂


  3. Leah, you’re so special! Everything you do is great! Leave it to you to figure out that most people calls me by my last name. Wonderful! I am always checking out your blog, It’s absolutely great!


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